Terms and Conditions
To be quite honest, for most customers these terms and conditions are probably irrelevant!
These terms and conditions are provided as a safeguard for unusual situations and to provide against persons who might work against The Bookbindery. Basically what we have sort to set up is an "all care, no responsibility" basis of working and to ensure that the work we receive is not objectionable.
This is not meant to stop you reading these terms and conditions! However, in the most unlikely situation that you have a problem, please do contact us.
Wording that applies to these terms and conditions:
In these terms and conditions, "we", "us", "our" and "The Bookbindery" refers to the business known as The Bookbindery, and its owners and staff. By contrast, "you", "your", "they", and "customer" refers to any person, corporate entity, government department, or other, who provides material requiring work to The Bookbindery or who purchases from The Bookbindery. The words "you", "your", "they", and "customer" also refer to any other person who visits The Bookbindery's premises, website, etc, whether a customer or not. Words such as "material", "materials", "work", "files", "premises", "objectionable", "terms", "conditions", "completion", "delivery" and so on have their normal meaning and are to be considered as having the widest possible definition.
Terms and Conditions:
1. These terms and conditions take full precedence over any other terms and conditions, unless The Bookbindery has agreed in writing to some variation. Even if The Bookbindery has agreed to other terms and conditions, all the following terms and conditions still apply except where The Bookbindery has expressly agreed to vary them.
2. All material received by The Bookbindery must conform to the following terms. By bringing / sending work to The Bookbindery, you guarantee that your material does fulfil these terms and conditions. All material sold by The Bookbindery business is also covered by these terms and conditions, and any sale is only made on the condition that you fully accept them.
3. If your material does not conform to the following terms you fully allow that it may be destroyed, by The Bookbindery or any other person, at your cost. In addition you agree to pay The Bookbindery an administration fee, set by The Bookbindery, to cover any other costs.
4. Payment for work provided by The Bookbindery, can be at any time required by The Bookbindery. To safeguard ourselves, often payment is required in advance or a deposit is required. The customer fully agrees to fit in with our requirements on this. In any case, any remaining payment is due by completion, for all work, unless other arrangements have been specifically made, in writing.
5. No pornographic or profane or otherwise objectionable material is allowed on The Bookbindery premises. Nor is such material to be sent to The Bookbindery by any means - electronic or physical. The customer expressly allows The Bookbindery to destroy any material, that The Bookbindery considers objectionable, at that customers' cost.
6. No wording provided for lettering is to be in any way objectionable - no swear words, blasphemy or other 'bad' language is permitted.
7. Should objectionable material, wording, etc be provided to The Bookbindery, costs as set by The Bookbindery, may be deducted from any payment made to The Bookbindery by that customer.
8. Any customer providing files for printing realises that our preference has always been for customers to do the printing themselves, so that they can check it before binding starts. Any customer who provides files for printing, understands that we will not be checking the printing, before binding. We will just be binding what the copycentre brings to us. Therefore you accept that that should you feel that there are any problems with printing, you will take full responsibility and completely bear any related costs.
9. Copyright law is the responsibility of the customer. Every customer agrees that they will only provide material for printing or binding for which they either are the author or to which they have been given full permission to use. The customer agrees that in the case of any breach or supposed breach of copyright law that The Bookbindery is completely free from any liability and that they will bear the full cost of any legal counsel or proceeding that is required.
10. The Bookbindery does not sign privacy agreements. If material provided was, for example, illegal we would certainly provide it to the authorities. However, on the other hand, we are very used to working with confidential material. To date we have not had the slightest problem, and do not anticipate any future problem. However confidentially remains the responsibility of the customer, who also agrees to cover any legal costs incurred by The Bookbindery.
11. No timeframes provided by The Bookbindery should be taken as a guaranteed completion date. While we are very used to providing urgent binding and fitting in with deadlines, we do not guarantee to be able to do this. Any loss incurred by the customer, because of non-completion, is completely to be borne by that customer. The customer agrees that The Bookbindery has no liability whatsoever in this regard.
12. Goods, whether papers, books, electronic files or other goods supplied by the customer, remain the property of that customer. The customer agrees completely that The Bookbindery shall not be liable for any damage or loss to these goods. Any insurance needed is completely the responsibility of the customer.
13. Under normal circumstances, customers are not to enter The Bookbindery's work areas. If permission to enter is granted for any reason, the customer realises that they are entering what could potentially be a dangerous area and agrees to take full care, to follow instructions carefully and to keep away from machinery and other possible dangers. In what we trust is a most unlikely event, should any accident or injury occur, the customer agrees to shield The Bookbindery from any costs, legal proceeding, etc to their utmost ability, even to the incurring of the costs themselves. Should a customer enter The Bookbindery's premises, website, etc, they also fully agree to not use anything to the injury of The Bookbindery or any of any other customer.
14. The Bookbindery is not to be held responsible for the actions of other unrelated persons. The customer agrees that should there be a problem with any other party or person, (such as a courier - just as an example), that The Bookbindery is not to be involved and that the customer will work directly with this party and not involve The Bookbindery in any proceedings.